Saturday, May 15, 2010

Where Randomness Guides You

Found Poems, Stories, and …etc.
The students were given a sheet out of the yellow pages; they closed their eyes and randomly pointed to a spot on the page. They were instructed to write a poem or story about the name or business they pointed to. They responded by creating vignettes, drawings, and even an advertisement. It was the last day of class, and the mood was reflected in the work…
Note: Business names and addresses have been changed in certain cases.

Pier 39
By N. R. (6th grade)

When I went to Pier 39 it was nothing like I expected it to be. I thought it would be a big, long piece of wood with a gift shop or two. But when I got there and went through the doorway, there was an explosion of noises and colors. There were many stores, people shopping, street acts, smoothie shops, and much more. On one side there were sea lions; on the other, a candy store. A brisk with sea smell mixed with other The air was brisk with a mix of the sea and other smells. There was a brisk sea smell with others mixed in. When we left that evening I was still thinking about it. I will never forget my day at Pier 39.

Design Studio
By A. S. (8th grade)

Here we have some… interesting moments. So the first day on the job, I came in to find the place filled with chocolate sculptures in one corner, and a string quartet in the other. I stood there, mouth open, until a British butler walked up to me.
“We’ve been expecting you, Miss,” he said, then pulled on the light to reveal a young girl wearing a panda hat.
“Welcome to the studio!” she said in a high-pitched tone. “Now you’re the intruder!” She pushed me out the door, and several minutes later, I found myself getting the coffee.
What a weird place.

M-C-M Appraisals
By S.C. (8th grade)

Mxxx Cxxx Mxxx Appraisals? What’s that? Is it a store where you can see how much something costs? I don’t know…I wonder if you can buy stuff there? Is it like a pawn shop? Aw, that would be cool! Especially the guns! The blunderbust was awesome, but that modified shotgun with the bayonet topped it off!

Skyline Heights Apartments
By ?

Skyline Heights Apartments
Just look up, there it is
On the clouds, in a line
Don’t jump down or you’ll fall to the ground
…too late…

Herb and Acupuncture Center
By M. O. (7th grade)

Come to the Herb and Acupuncture Center to get the natural, organic medicine that is vital for all humans. Based on Chinese and Indian custom medicine, this medical pharmacy is solely old time medicine. It is on 123 Cxxx Avenue in Daly City, zip code is 94444. Questions? Call us at 415-123-4567!

Okamoto Sajio Architecture

By A. G. (6th grade)

Okamoto Sajio is a cool name. It’s like a Samurai name.

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